Please read our proposals to protect the rights of people on the internet when their personal data is mishandled by international data collectors. These recommendations were published in the following book: REMOLINA ANGARITA, Nelson. The international collection of personal data: A challenge of the post-internet World. BOE- Boletín Oficial del Estado. Madrid, Spain, April 2015. ISBN 978-84-340-2196-9.
None of the suggestions is sufficient by itself. However, it is vital that solutions focused on preventing the Internet from becoming a “paradise of impunity” for infringements on the processing of personal data begin to be built. Although it may appear insignificant, every step forward in this regard is very important and valuable.
Colombia has been a pioneer with the introduction of a bill on the matter. In regard to the bill’s relevance we refer to an article on our website in Spanish entitled “Senator Jaime Amin presented the bill to protect the rights of Colombians on the Internet”
The solutions differ in nature and are aimed at national and international actors. International intervention is essential, but we must be realistic and remember that it is very difficult to achieve global consensus due to the existence of different approaches to protect the rights of the people against unauthorized or illegal processing of personal data.
Our planet will not have an international instrument, which is legally binding on all countries as long as different interests and priorities coexist among human rights, business and state management. Therefore, states cannot sit back and wait for the international community to act, nor can they remain dormant to the international collection of personal data. Local regulators should act on their own initiative before it is too late.
Local regulators have the power and responsibility to act against possible abuses and violations of human rights via the Internet and cyberspace. Latin America should be a pioneer and leader in regular basis so that the rights of its citizens are effectively protected in cyberspace.
Our recommendations are listed as follows:
- Cardinal points to avoid impunity for the processing of personal data in cyberspace.
- No to “technophobia” and “technofascination” and yes to “technoreflection”.
- Proposals of a local regulatory nature.
- International Regulatory proposals and international cooperation proposals.
- Proposals about the national personal data protection authorities.
- Proposals of a cultural and educational nature.
- Proposals of a technological nature.
Constructive contributions are welcome. You can contact us at: [email protected]
It is necessary to act and not wait for others to do what we can do from our own countries. The local regulator and the national data protection authorities are essential in this work!!!!
We cannot be uncritical and passive observers about what is happening legally with our rights on the Internet and in cyberspace. We must reformulate many current legal concepts that were designed for a medieval world without technology.
Cyberspace is the world of the 21st century, which is full of technology and is hyperconnected via the Internet. National and international legal responses must be different if we want good results. “If you want different results, do not do the same things.” (Albert Einstein)